


电话/传真:+86 25 83282373
邮箱: counselingoffice@nfls.com.cn
Overseas Education Counseling Office Established at
Nanjing Foreign Language School
     Nanjing Foreign Language School (NFLS) has recently formed the Overseas Education Counseling Office (OECO).  The mission of this office is to enhance our partnerships with the world’s top institutions of higher education while guiding our talented students throughout the college selection and application process.
     As one of the most selective and innovative high schools in China, NFLS has seen, in recent years, a growing number of our graduates pursue higher education overseas.  We share their youthful dreams and are committed, more than ever, to supporting them for a journey of “ten thousand miles” and a lifetime of learning and growth.
    To serve the growing needs of our students for overseas education and help the admission officers from overseas colleges and universities better access, communicate and engage with our best talents, we formed the OECO with the following key responsibilities:
  • To help our students make informed decisions on colleges that best match their ambitions, interests and strengths through self-discovery and personalized counseling
  • To respond to admissions officers’ questions and inquiries, as NFLS’ official channel, about our school and students throughout the college admissions process
  • To serve as a single point of contact to facilitate timely, consistent and effective communications between our school’s counseling office and admission officers
  • To plan and coordinate admissions officers’ visits to the NFLS campus and college information sessions with our students
  • To design and implement innovative programs that highlight and connect the distinguishing features of a university’s “undergraduate experience” to our students’ overseas education needs
Contact Information:
David Wang, Executive Director
Ling Chen, Director
Overseas Education Counseling Office
Tel/Fax: +86 25 83282373
Email: counselingoffice@nfls.com.cn